Don’t Apply for Jobs on Monday Morning

When is the worst time to send your application in for a job? Monday morning – or at least that’s what Belgian search site says.

The main reason why it’s a bad time to send it in is because Monday morning is the peak time for applications to be made as people return from their weekends determined to change their roles. The problem is that many people are putting these applications in during worktime and as a result, the quality is lower.

Jobsvadaag analyzed the results from their website over the whole of January 2011 – hundreds of applications per day – which showed that while people had made up their minds and wanted to start looking for a job, they had not given enough thought to their applications and in many cases, what they submitted in terms of motivation or resumes was weak, often supported by nothing more than a few brief lines, poor grammar and with multiple typing errors.

Another problem with applying on a Monday, especially when the applicant has decided that the current job fails to offer the challenges needed is that the applicant focuses on what is wrong with the current position instead of explaining the value that they bring to a new employer. Not intelligent, because employers want to hear why you want to work for them and how you are going to solve their problems.

The advice from the website: don’t make hasty decisions on a Monday morning and don’t send out applications from your current place of work.

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